Monday, October 31, 2016


My hair had turned to its original colour. It was refreshing. I cut off all the golden strains of hair and leave the black remains. It is a bit short, but whatever. Golden hair are quiet mishievous. Haha. Though I don't show 'em around, sometimes I think people who saw it when I was in musolla might feel disturbed by it. Though, it wasn't my fault. Siapa suruh hang judgemental? LOL

People's definition of bad is very weird. Some people see someone who wears tudung and pray 5 times daily as good, not knowing that she could be sleeping with someone's husband. Others may see someone who has multiple guy friends as a whore. Commiting suicide is wrong in Islam. It is always wrong to kill yourself because it shows that you don't have faith in your God. But life is hard, and we don't have any idea what is happening in other people's life. Why wouldn't netizens shut their computer and take care of their family, instead of poking their long nose and make comments and criticize people?

Some friends of mine are now paving their miles by being a lecturer in few institutions. Some of them are pursuing phD, well baguslah. But what's up with all the whining? lecturing has never been easy ok. Lesson plans, meetings, assessments, assignments and other things to do. That's the job scope. Kalau rasa semua benda nak whine, rungut and shit, quit lah. We feed on students fees. You're not that great pun. So stop looking down on students, they are not morons. Kalau you think you can't cope with the pressure, stop la phD kau. or stop working and do phD full time, no?

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